MEDIATHEK/ Alle Videos/ HFBK / HFBK / See U th3re - Dialoge zwischen Fenstern


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#3 Feminism: See U th3re

See U th3re - Dialoge zwischen Fenstern(WiSe 20/21)

Feminism: Federica Bueti & Karolin Meunier

(in english language)

The third episode of the podcast reflects on feminism in dialogue with a work by Italian writer Carla Lonzi. Karolin Meunier and Federica Bueti began their conversation on Lonzi some years ago, when Federica was still in the process of researching Lonzi's writing, and Karolin had just begun working on her translation-project: a series of conversations with different people around Lonzi's Vai pure (Milan 1980). Since then, they have met irregularly to read, translate, discuss together parts of this dialogue between Lonzi and her partner, the artist Pietro Consagra.

Federica Bueti writes, edits, teaches and occasionally curates research-exhibitions. Her research focuses on the study of feminist poetics and theories and practices of refusal and decolonial hope. She was the editor-in-chief of …ment, a journal for contemporary culture, art and politics, which ran between 2011 and 2015. In 2019, she co-curated the research-project Ecologies of Darkness. Building Ground on Shifting Sand dedicated to an investigation of decolonial feminist politics and poetics, at SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, 2018-2019. In her doctoral dissertation, Poetics of Negation, Bueti reads the work and life of Italian feminist Carla Lonzi as a creative gesture of refusal of given identities; and as a practice of disidentification with the status quo of culture that calls for a different inhabitation of woman's subjectivities.

Karolin Meunier is an artist and writer based in Berlin. Her performance, text and video works observe cultural techniques such as translation processes, conversations, and learning methods. With her practice she addresses mediatised forms of communication in public and private spaces. She is a member of the collective book shop and publishing house b_books in Berlin and was part of the working group of Cinenova, a feminist film and video distributor in London from 2009-19. She co-organised the event, seminar and publication Periods of Non-Productivity - Performance and Education in 2018/19 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich in cooperation with the art project Der Fahrende Raum. Her book A Commentary on "Vai pure" by Carla Lonzi is forthcoming in 2021.


“See U th3re - dialogues between windows” is a five-part exhibition and podcast series and a cooperation project between the KVHBF Vitrinen in Hamburg-Harburg train station and "It takes place between glass and windows", a project by Anne Meerpohl in the showcase in the entrance area of HFBK Hamburg.
In five dialogical exhibitions, ten artistic positions meet not only each other but also meet the respective characteristics of the exhibition locations. At the beginning there was an open call, which asked to question, challenge and rethink the showcases and the logic of representation and visibility inscribed in them with regard to feminism, care and friendship. Ten artistic positions were then invited to a speed dating, during which the couples formed who now exhibit together.

Despite their current use as exhibition spaces, the showcases we work with generally represent content that is neither feminist nor testifies to care and friendship. They reproduce certain (stereotypical) body images, concepts of artists and identity, work and community images. How and what kind of presence can we give ourselves in the showcases that does not follow the same logic? So what frame of reference can and must we create for ourselves? Which transformation processes can we initiate, which ones can we follow?

As the artists occupy the showcases with their perspectives on these issues, they are for the time being literally a showcase into a future, carried by hope and longing for change, for artistic alliances.

Relationships are created through glass, behind windows, between showcases.

The five exhibitions are accompanied by five podcast episodes that bridge the distance between the HFBK and the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof (public transport U3 and S3 approx. 30 minutes) and take on their own approach towards visibility, friendship, feminism, organization and care.

More informationen:…ge-zwischen-fenstern

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