Video Catalog

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Staying with the Conflict. Working against antisemitism and racism as artistic practice

"After all, I don't live in the country of Halle or Hanau, but in the country of Halle and Hanau." With these words, the artist Hito Steyerl decisively rejected the playing out of anti-Semitism and racism in the debate about the documenta. Anti-Semitism and racism are part of German reality.

In the series of workshops we want to take this into consideration and explore what it means for artistic practice. We want to artistically examine the commons that documenta fifteen addressed with "lumbung", discuss them in the translocal context of German and against the background of international histories of violence and resistant struggles, and understand them as contact zones: As shared spaces, but also as sites of conflict.


25 May - From 17.00, Presentations in the Aula Lerchenfeld

26 and 27 May - Four workshops at four locations at the HFBK Hamburg

27 May - Closing plenary session in the Wartenau assembly hall

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