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Max Czollek: The Future of Memory

Conference: Counter-Monuments and Para-Monuments(WiSe 21/22)

Radical diversity already characterizes European societies today. This has an impact on their understanding of self, ranging from political ideas to public forms of remembrance. At the same time, we continue to operate with political concepts and models of remembrance that do not, or do not sufficiently take this reality into account. One project aiming to change that is the Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) by Dialogue Perspectives/the Leo Baeck Foundation, which invites young intellectuals, artists, and academics to develop creative, civic, educational and didactic concepts and ideals for the pluralization of European remembrance cultures.

Max Czollek is a poet, publicist, and political scientist. He received his doctorate from the Center for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technische Universität Berlin and is particularly well known for his theatrical and essayistic work surrounding memory culture, integration, and Jewish identity in postwar Germany. Theater works include De-Integration. A Congress on Contemporary Jewish Positions and the Radical Jewish Culture Days at Maxim Gorki Theater, as well as the international Jewish-Muslim Hegemony Days. His essays Desintegriert Euch! (Disintegrate!) and Gegenwartsbewältigung (Overcoming the Present) are published with Carl Hanser Verlag, his collections of poetry at Verlagshaus Berlin. He is co-editor of the magazine Jalta – Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart (Yalta – Positions on the Jewish Present).

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