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Podcast: Mute/Unmute #12 - Luísa Telles on the body as a poetical vehicle

Podcast: Mute/Unmute(WiSe 21/22)

Mute/Unmute is a podcast and seminar by Astrid Mania, with the support of Noi Fuhrer and Anne Meerpohl. The idea of this podcast is to introduce and discuss art works, theories and incidents that relate to questions like: who is allowed to speak, who’s not? What can be said, what not? Whose voices have been suppressed? What kind of narratives and histories? What violence do we exert when speaking about others? What should we urgently talk about?

Mute/Unmute is meant to be active during the winter semester 2020/21, but it can potentially run much longer. We welcome contributions from HFBK students and staff and beyond. For more info / list of contributions please see and  / or get in touch with or


Luísa Telles on the body as a poetical vehicle

Telles received in 2019/21 a DAAD Scholarship for Foreign Graduates in Fine Arts for her Master’s degree at HfbK Hamburg. In 2020/21 she was a Lecturer at Leuphana University in Lüneburg with the Seminar “Speaking with Women Artists: Visualities, Actions and Affections”. Her upcoming article “Claudia Andujar: from the Gestapo to the rainforest” will be published in the magazine MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture in 2022.

In this podcast the following artworks from Ana Maria Maiolino were discussed: Glu Glu Glu (1966), Fotopoemação (1974) and Entrevidas (1981).

Image credit: Anna Maria Maiolino, É o que sobra (What is Left Over) from the Fotopoemação (Photopoemaction) series, 1974 © Anna Maria Maiolino.

Further reading: Claudia Calirman, “Epidermic” and Visceral Works: Lygia Pape and Anna Maria Maiolino. Woman's Art Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2014, pp. 19-27 © 2014 Old City Publishing, Inc.



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